Green “Chrome” Diopside
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Diopside is a very empowering crystal that’s perfect for anyone who has a strong passion for taking care of the well-being of the planet.
It’s a very compelling crystal because it will promote a good service to the earth and those who live in it!
Diopside is most often green that carries green rays and helps you form a heart-based connection with the energies in the environment.
The green variety of Diopside, also known as Chrome Diopside, will connect you to the Mother Gaia and to the heartbeat of the earth.
It’s a very empowering crystal, especially for women, because it resonates with the heart chakra and will give support to your emotions.
The green color Diopside is also believed to help you make contact or connect with the fairy kingdom.
Diopside has a supportive and gentle energy that will make you more aware of your gifts and talents that you’re not sure you even have.
It will give you challenges and opportunities that will help you discover which aspects you excel at and which aspects you need to work on.
It will also help you to develop an appreciation and gratitude for all that you have been blessed with!
Diopside will embolden you to take action when the situation calls for it, and it will give you the courage to stand up for what you believe in.
It also has a strong resonance with the sacral chakra, and its vibrations will help you boost your creativity.